Beltway “Banquet”

Video by Eddie Gutierrez. Photos by Tobias Angel. Interview by Eric Gouldman.

How old are you and how long have you been filming for?

I am 32, I first started filming way back in early high school. It wasn’t serious, just filming our neighborhood crew with our parents’ handycams. We were influenced to film each other by watching skate videos one of our older neighborhood friends had. Some that stand out are Tiltmode’s Man Down, Transworld’s In Bloom, Girl Yeah Right, and Baker 2G. I started taking filming more serious around 2013 after I took a break from school.

What kind of camera did you use for this video?

I’m filming with a Panasonic HMC150, basically an HPX that uses SD cards rather than P2 cards.

How do you feel about this versus the VX?

I’m really feeling this setup, everything about it so far has been great. The VX is an awesome camera with the best sound and also great colors if set properly. I still have mine for the next VX project sitting there at home, but I do prefer the clarity and detail on the Panasonic set up, also it’s great for filming in darker conditions.

What stood out the most about filming for Banquet?

I like how we didn’t go into it thinking we were going to film a whole damn video, I thought I was just gonna work on a small montage since my work schedule is pretty heavy nowadays, basically I only film once a week on Sundays. But somehow some time went by and I realized I had way too much footage for just a small montage.

What do you have in store for future projects?

Not sure yet. Might have to bring the VX back out, still have a few new mini DV tapes waiting to be put to use. Stay tuned.

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