AV Club Interview with Josh Spooner

Where did the idea of AV Club stem from?

It has always been the AV Homies and that is what Ann Van is known for. I wanted to make a stand alone project that could be differentiated from all the AV Homies edits that have come out over the years. I wanted to focus on a few homies from the park and make a full length street skating video in order to hype everybody up and remind them that there is more to skate in life than just Ann Van. 

Collin Underwood, ollie over bench

How long did it take to figure out a cohesive idea?

I had the idea to mix AV footage together with street skating for a few years but didn’t know how that would work out. I was going back and forth with the idea for a while because it takes a lot longer to get clips in the streets than it does at AV.

What was your timeline like for the video?

I started filming for this video at the end of 2016. The AV footage was piling up, so that’s why I put out the 2018 AV Club edit last year and the majority of the clips in this video are from 2019. The street skating spans from 2016-19.

Chris Cummins, bs boardslide

What is the meaning behind the video?

Everybody is always filming something at the park so in a way it is like an Audio/Video Club. 

How much weed was consumed during the making of this video?

Ask young P.

Does Wilkie even skate?

Wilkie may have spent more time skating AV than anybody on earth. I think he’s over it tho. He’s also nearly impossible to film so nobody would ever know unless you catch him in person.

What was your favorite trick to film in the video?

Any Wilkie clip cause its so rare. Big Z in the streets got me hyped as well. 

Josh Spooner, roof drop. p-Dewey Calderaro

What was your most memorable experience while filming AV Club?

Last minute filming missions with the squad. Finally getting Brian on board to help film after asking him for 3 years.

What do you think of Virtual Reality?

It’s the future of Audio Video. Stay tuned for AVR Club.

How was the premiere? 

Amazing! I’m so happy I was able to pull it off and finally get to enjoy watching the video with all my friends. 

What was your take away from this project?

Never make a full length skate video again. That’s what I say every time.

Who do you think was the MVP of AV Club?

Brett Napolitan if I had to choose. When I started filming this video it was just Brett and I. It felt like we were the last of the Mohicans. All our other friends had no interest in street skating and would only go to AV if anything. Slowly I got other people on board, but Brett was there the whole time.

What can you say about Ann Van skatepark and why did you feel it was important to create a video series around the park?

I love Ann Van. I’m still great friends with everybody who came together to build some of the first concrete stuff at the park back in 2012. It has really become a family over the years. Also, like I said before, as we’ve gotten older everybody slowly stopped skating street and would only go to the skate park. So, if I wanted to film my friends skate I had to catch them at Ann Van.

What is the skate scene like in NJ?

Speaking for central Jersey, we have a pretty tight knit crew. You can find most anybody at either Ann Van, or Princeton fountain. NJ is like the forgotten land between New York and Philly. We have to work with what we have, so people have a very DIY mentality. Our spots are really crusty and far apart, so you have to drive a lot. There are some serious legends who have come out of Jersey and I have the most respect for them because I know how hard it is to skate here. 

What makes Ann Van different from other parks in NJ?

Built by the homies, for the homies! Jesse and Sloan with 5th Pocket Skateparks stepped in early on and took it to a whole new level as well. So appreciative of those guys expertise. 

What do you feel was the most difficult part about the making of this video?

Everybody works full time, nobody is pro, this was a passion project that I did on my own dime. It took a lot of time and nobody had the time. That’s why it took so long to make.

What was your favorite spot you found while filming for the video?

Personally I love exploring for spots, especially abandoned ones. So probably the abandoned airplane manufacturing full pipe or the kicker on the graffiti highway from my part.

Dewy Calderaro, no comply 180 switch 5050

Is there anything in the works for the future?

Who’s trying to film a part? Hit me up.

What is your vision for the future of the AV Club community?

To stay involved with the town and keep building rad stuff at the park. I want everyone to take pride in Ann Van. Pick up your trash, don’t ruin the ground by starting fires in the middle of the park (whoever did that, you can fuck off.)

Pick up a digital download of the video here.

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