Alex Nivison Interview

Interview by Tammy & Cheddarbobbbb

Photos by Ben Samuels

Tammy: Where’s your ass from? How old is your ass? And what’s your ass’s favorite color?
Damn favorite color is probably pink. I’m from Connecticut but have been living and skating in Pittsburgh for the last three years. Just moved in with Chewis so we’ll see what happens from there. And what was the third? How old? I’m 28.

Tammy: What’s your favorite bodega snack and beverage?
Pre-covid prices, the 50 cent chocolate chip cream pie, and an Arizona or a dollar beer, like a Natty Ice.

Tammy: Is there anyone in particular or any videos that have been an inspiration behind the tricks that you do.
Damn that could be a long answer.

Cheddarbobbbb: What’s the first that comes to mind?
I’ll just shout out Jay Reboin cuz that dude kinda taught me how to skate.

Tammy: Are there any inspirations that have made an influence pertaining to wearing overalls?
Not really honestly. This dude I work with just gave me his overalls. And it was after the whole overalls trend. I was literally handed a pair of Carhartt overalls and I just skated in them. 

Tammy:  Worst place you ever slept?
Probably that big lake in Vermont. Lake Champlain. And it was like the middle of the night and there was this wooden tipi that someone made there just to chill in. I’m like oh this looks sick to sleep there. I was parked like a mile up the road so I just skated down there cuz I’d been there during the day and I’m like, yo I wanna go sleep by some water. But there were so many mosquitos dude, I got bit fuck up.  It was so hard to sleep cuz they were just biting me all night. During the day there’s no mosquitos and flies out cuz it’s kinda like a big frying pan. They’re all probably in the brush but at night they come to the water.

Tammy: Jim Greco or Jimmy Gorecki?
Jim Greco.

Tammy: What’s your favorite city to skate in? and it’s OK if you don’t say Pittsburgh.  
New Haven cuz it has a sick skatepark and it’s got a lot of spots you can go to from there. But my favorite spots that I’ve skated are never really in a city. It’s like some random fuckin shit, like some random bando. I never went to a city and was like oh this is it. It’s more so the convenience of having all the spots.

Tammy: Any notable stories or finds from checking out a bando?
Before I moved here we went to Century Three Mall to check it out.

Cheddarbobbbb: Did you know that’s where they filmed Dawn of the Dead?
I didn’t know that but my friend took me there. They definitely still had security there cuz they were still using the parking lot as a bus stop. But we just walked around the building and found one door that was open. It was completely empty inside but there was still power. Like all the mall directories were still lit up. The second floor was all flooded cuz of the roof leaking. It was like an inch thick of all this green mold stuff. We were inside for probably two hours. There was only one door that was unlocked and I think someone had recently busted it open. And we did see the security guard driving around. I think what had happened was in the time while we were in there, maintenance came around and saw that the door wouldn’t lock so they drilled a piece of sheet metal around the frame of the door while we were in there.  It wasn’t dark yet but me and my friend were walking around for like an hour trying to find another exit. I didn’t wanna break a window and go out and have a fucking patrol car just waiting right there to arrest us. So we waited til it was dark and then I took a fire extinguisher and slammed it on the door until it busted open. And that’s when I could see when we got out that there was a piece of sheet metal they had screwed around the frame. Dude they literally locked us inside.

Tammy: Most incredible dumpster find?
Hmm, Little Caesars.

Cheddarbobbbb: Still hot?
Yeah, still hot. My homies brought me there. They were trying to show me what spots to dumpster dive at. I think we were in Nashua, NH cuz they put in a new park and we were staying there for like a week or two. And my homie was like oh we should go check out some dumpsters around here, and that was the first spot we went to. If you go right when they close you can just get free pizza. It was still warm, still in the box. They’re literally throwing out hot food in a dumpster.  

Cheddarbobbbb: How many pairs of those big DC’s have you had?
Probably like twelve since they’ve re-issued them in like 2018. They last like three months dude. They’re durable as hell.

Cheddarbobbbb: And that’s why you wear them?
I broke my ankle pretty bad and it doesn’t really work right so I don’t know. Vulcanized shoes hurt my foot. 

Cheddarbobbbb: And so that’s why you’ve been wearing the checkered slip-ons tonight lifting and carrying shit while we were helping you move in?
When I’m walking yeah. Try to exercise that shit out ya know?

Tammy: Longest you’ve ever tried a trick?
I’d say probably like 5 hours.

Tammy: Who are 5 skaters that you’ve been hyped on lately?
Fred Gall, Bobby Puleo, Shawn Powers, John Francomacaro, and Ethan McCarthy.

Tammy: How much money does Bill Cunningham owe you?
Five bucks.

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