Spikes Skates Philly Freeze 1988

Growing up in West Chester we were lucky enough to have a darkroom at my High School and photo class quickly became my favorite. Instead of boring ass classes I could process my own film and print photos, plus get passes to skip study hall. I quickly figured out I could now get school credit for my two favorite things; going to punk rock shows and skateboarding.



It was at some of the punk rock shows where I learned about Spikes Skates and I would hit the shop up every visit to the city, right after Philly Record Exchange. Around the time of the Philly Freeze I met some dudes who were supposedly putting together a book about skateboarding. They heard I always had a camera so they gave me a bunch a film that I was supposed to bring back to the office.  At the comp I felt like I was on some legit photo assignment and in reality probably got in the way a lot.




I never gave them the photos, but did get some extra credit points for a shot of Roger Browne doing a wall ride and a couple of the others, so I was stoked.  I thought these were long gone but on a recent trip back home my dad gave me a box of negatives he found out in the garage. I didn’t do the best job with the processing but here they are,  28 years later.  -Brian Baade











If anyone has information on any of the people in these pictures, hit us up.

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