RVNS ~’§’~ Cvat na poluostrvu Histria

Years of directed wandering bring results and love. They bring care and will. They bring dissatisfaction and fulfillment. The result of one of these journeys is this film, which represents a cyclical geolocation movement between inspiration and concrete creations.

Skaters: Glen Fox, Alex Hallford, Nebojša Resanović, Danilo Pisanjuk, David Soda, Žarko Obradović, Konrad Waldmann, Nikola Bićanin, Romain Scordino, Tom Delion and Tomaž Šantl

Camera: Nebojša Resanović, Danilo Pisanjuk and David Soda

Sound effects: Srđan Jeremić

Illustrations and animations: Kexy Mlexy & Tokyo

Edit: David Soda


Yan Dusk – Banshee

Le monde fabuleux des Yamasuki – Yamasuki 

Nasenbluten – Underground church

Bora Dugić – Tren


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